5 Hacks to High-Performing Content

Social media is one of the strongest places to establish a brand. But it comes with a huge challenge: Cutting through all the noise. In this article, we'll go through 5 hacks to create high-performing content that will make your audience engage.

Social media is one of the strongest places to establish a brand.
But it comes with a huge challenge: Cutting through all the noise.

In this article, we'll go through 5 hacks to create high-performing content that will make your audience engage.


  1. A coherent a recognizable brand
  2. Bet on video content
  3. A/B Test your content
  4. Listen to your audience and give them what they want
  5. Consistency
  6. Bonus tip ⭐

1. A coherent and recognizable brand

Some of the best performing social media accounts have one thing in common: they are recognizable.
They follow their own unique and recognizable tone of voice, choice of words, and images with a consistent design, as well as logo design.

You want your audience to immediately recognize your brand and your content, and feel familiar with it, every time they see something new!

Let's look at an example from tech influencer, George Moller.

All of George's posts follows a similar design.
When you scroll through your timeline, you immediately recognize his personal brand.

Even when you visit George's profile, you recognize the style of his banner.

Whether you're a personal brand or a business, you want to make sure your audience feel familiar with your brand.
Make them feel at home. It is one of the most effective ways to increase engagement and get the best out of your content.

2. Bet on video content

Video is one of the hottest types of content on social media in 2021.
Betting on video as a part of your content strategy is a winning move!

Different platforms serves different formats of video.YouTube is well-known for its classical longform video content while TikTok and Instagram are becoming super popular with their short and punchy videos.

Ideally, you want a mixture of both.
Some classical types of video content includes:

  • Tutorials
  • Interviews
  • Video-based podcasts
  • Feature and product videos
  • Announcements
  • Vlogs
  • Live streams

In fact, live streams is probably one of the most popular formats you can use.It allow your followers to become a part of the experience as it happens, and people love this format!

3. A/B Test your content

Most social media have an ad platform where you can create and run ads.
But besides advertising, these ad platforms makes excellent tools for A/B Testing your content.

Before publishing a piece of content, you can create multiple variants and test out which one performs better.

You can discover factors like:

  • Which image performs better?
  • Is it better to give a call-to-action or a link?
  • Which phrasing yields the highest engagement?

And a lot of other parameters.

Most ad platforms allow you to post content that are promoted only, which means they are not seen by your followers.
Now you can use the ad platform to select multiple small test groups and present them with each their version of your content.Then you observe the engagement rate to declare a winner.

The great thing about this technique is, that you can test your content from multiple angles:

  • Which content performs better with a specific audience.
  • Which audience engages more with a specific type of content.

It is a great way to learn more about your audience, your content, and which type of delivery resonates the most.
Oh yeah - and then it's really cheap. You can run an experiment for less than $20.

4. Listen to your audience and give them what they want

One of the most effective ways to gain more engagement, is to find out what interests your audience and what makes them more likely to interact.

Keeping an eye on what's hot in your niche right now, by using social listening, is a great way to do this.
It's a good idea to look through comments and identifying what people are talking about - be it your product, your competitors or certain trends in your niche or industry.

Find a way to incorporate social listening into your strategy.
In that way, you can craft content that cater to your audience's genuine interests and address the needs that resonates with their goals and dreams.

5. Consistency

When building a brand on social media, whether it's a personal brand or a business, you need consistency.It is well-known that it's more important to stay consistent with posting than it is posting high-quality content.

Over time, consistency tends to pay off in terms of more engagement.
This boils down to two reasons: The algorithms of the social media platforms tend to reward consistency and push your content to more people,and people tend to favor brands that "keep showing up".

We highly recommend creating a social media posting plan that is tailored to your brand and audience.

A social media posting plan helps you stay consistent with your writing and helps prevent writers block. It's simply easier to write good content, when you have a clear outline to follow.

6. Bonus: Use the right tools

Using the right tools to help you manage your content and drive engagement is essential.

For instance, you can use FeedHive's powerful AI to predict how engaging your content will be, while you write it.

Or you can let FeedHive identify the best time to post based on your followers activity.

You can get started right away by signing up for a free account on FeedHive today.

Simon Hoiberg

CEO & Founder

Simon Hoiberg is a Danish entrepreneur, content creator, and the founder of FeedHive.